france / lille
The Drôme Vivarais Hospital meets the EPSM

  • France
  • Mental Health
  • 12 delegates
  • January 2022
This visit was organized as part of a project developed by the facility for the period 2022-2027, with the objective of finding solutions to the hospital's current problems.
From January 13 to 14, 2022, a multidisciplinary team composed of 12 delegates working at the Drôme Vivarais Hospital Center in Valence, went to Lille to discover how the EPSM Lille-Métropole works.

This visit was organized as part of a project developed by the facility for the period 2022-2027, with the objective of finding solutions to the hospital's current problems: What changes should be made? How could the supply of care be reorganized? How could the quality of care offered to patients be improved? How could patients be more involved in their care?

In order to initiate this reflection, 6 videoconferences were held from May 25 to June 18, 2021 with French and foreign institutions (Belgium, Canada, Sweden, Switzerland). The videoconference of Tuesday, May 25, 2021 with Dr. Jean-Luc Roelandt, psychiatrist at the regional GHT (psychiatric hospital cluster), allowed for many fruitful exchanges. The visit to Lille was the logical next step to meet the key local actors and stakeholders of mental health.

The EPSM Lille-Métropole takes care of people suffering from mental disorders in the Lille metropolitan area. It includes 10 units (9 general psychiatry units and 1 child and adolescent psychiatry unit). In 2020, 23,034 people were attended in full-time, part-time or outpatient care. Today, 1,805 professionals provide these public service missions.

The group of delegates first attended an institutional presentation of the EPSM Lille-Métropole in Armentières, its project and the way in which deshospitalization is carried out on a daily basis. They then visited the G18 pole, and in particular Le Cèdre Vert, a "crisis" day hospital with a high turnover of patients, and also, Les Pierres Bleues: therapeutic apartments which offer an intermediate option between short stays and accommodation in traditional therapeutic apartments.

The second morning was devoted to the presentation of the G21 division, with visits to the Alan Turing space, which links the outpatient sites, the mobile teams, the CATTP outside the walls, and the user representatives. This was followed by a visit to the Jérôme Bosch clinic, an inpatient facility in the 59G21 division that practices a "zero restraint, zero isolation" policy, with a capacity of 10 beds. Finally, the delegation was received at the WHO Collaborating Center for Research and Training in Mental Health. This is one of the 48 WHO CCs in the world specialized in mental health, the only one in France.

All these visits were particularly enriching for the delegation, which returned to Valence with food for thought and ideas for improvement.
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